• Rules and guidelines for submission and evaluation of written assignments

First: Conducting and submitting the assignments:

  • Fellows can only work on the current unit (according to the calendar) and the previous units in the running round. Working on assignments is allowed only on the uploaded units on Blackboard.
  • Fellows joining the DHPE at a point other than the start of Unit 1 are allowed to work forwards and backwards to submit the previously missed units at any time during the program on the current round.
  • Weekly submission of assignments is encouraged. Submission of all assignments by the end of each unit is also allowed with no penalty marks.

Second: Evaluation of assignments and criteria for passing:

  • Each assignment is evaluated out of 10.
  •  Submission of all assignments in all units and getting a mean total score of at least 6/10 in each unit is a pre-requisite for graduation.
  • Fellows will not be allowed to pass a unit if they score 4/10 or less in any assignment, even if the mean score of the unit is equal to or more than 6/10. In case of a 4/10 or less for an assignment, a Fellow has to repeat that assignment until a score more than 4/10 is awarded.
  • Fellows who score 4/10 or less will have two chances per one assignment per one unit per one round to resubmit an assignment after receiving feedback, and then the score of the assignment will be effective. In this case, resubmitting such assignment(s) will be allowed in the due time of next round.
  • Fellows caught with plagiarism (copying big chunks from the internet) more than once or fraud (accessing or accessing and copying from other fellows’ assignments) will be automatically deprived from graduation with honors.
  • In case of  passing a whole unit, but unsatisfied with the mark of an assignment whether passed or failed, a student has one opportunity per unit to resubmit the assignment for score improvement.
  • Any resubmission is evaluated from maximum score of 8/10.
  • Getting 8/10 in 5 or more units is a pre-requisite for getting the degree “with honors”.

Third: Copyrights and plagiarism in assignments:

  • At the onset of the program, Fellows will have to sign a declaration that all future work in the program will be original.
  • No copying from undisclosed sources is allowed.
  • Fellows are not allowed to quote from assignments of former DHPE fellows and prohibited from accessing these assignments.
  • Fellows are advised to use their own words and follow their own line of thought in their assignments. Copying text from current or former Fellows or copying big chunks from the literature will be considered plagiarism and can result in failing the unit and other consequences that will be assessed by the program administration and ranges from freezing of registration to termination of registration.
  • Assignments are considered copyright to both the Fellow and the program. In case of fraud, both the provider of his/ her assignments to others and the receiver and user of these assignments are equally condemned. In case the provider is still a current Fellow in the program, he/she will face the same consequences. In case graduated, the possibility of calling back the degree will be considered.
  • Fellows are advised to never quote directly from their source, unless they indicate clearly that they are quoting by using quotation marks, and to refer to the author, publication, and page number. Also, Fellows are advised to limit their direct quotations unless their use is integral to the point they are making.
  • After appropriate ruling by the DHPE Board of Directors, assignments about which plagiarism has been established can be resubmitted. The maximum mark for the plagiarized assignment(s) and the whole unitwill be 6/10.

Rules and guidelines for evaluation of the practical component of DHPE

Evaluation of the practical part of the DHPE is composed of three components:

      • Attendance and participation of the National DHPE workshop: 20%
      • Participation in online discussions through the listserv ML-web. 20%
      • Fulfilling the practical assignments’ requirements 60%.
  • The DHPE fellow should get a score of 60% in the practical component to be eligible for obtaining the DHPE degree.
  • Scores for participation in the listserv discussion will be calculated based on the following rubric. Each of the three criteria is scored out of 20%.

Scoring rubric for evaluation of online participation in listserv discussion


Poor (4-8)

Satisfactory (9-12)

Good (13-16)

Excellent (17-20)
Content Regurgitation of information. No justification of points. No application or discussion of relevance to questions asked. Narrow and limited knowledge Clear explanation of available information. Basic paraphrasing of available information. Application of knowledge to questions asked
Some indication of a wider view of the topics discussed
Explaining available information using relevant examples. Clear interpretation of information. Application of knowledge & discussion using relevant examples. Presenting a wider view of the topics discussed by showing a good breadth of knowledge Articulating available information to expand on ideas presented, including the use of examples
Critical discussion of available information. Knowledge is critically applied and may include discussion of limitations. Ability to point out other perspectives, including drawing from other fields of studies
Interaction quality No engagement with other learners’ contributions. No evidence of new ideas and thoughts from interaction
No sharing of outside knowledge. No engagement with others in the discussion forum
Some basic discussion about other learners’ contributions
Some new ideas developed as a result of interaction. Sharing generic information that is easily available from outside sources. Answering some basic question posed by facilitator or other learners
Consistent engagement with other learners’ contribution and acknowledgement of other learners’ comments on own contributions. Some solutions and new ideas as a result of interactions. Sharing real world examples that may not be immediately obvious to other learners. Contributing to a community of learners, and advancement of each other’s ideas. Collaborative approach to solution seeking and new ideas developed. Sharing real life knowledge, personal experience and examples of similar problems /solutions. Engaging and encouraging participation with fellow discussants in the forum
Participation None or less than 2 posts per theme. Rarely posts with occasional activity Between 2 to 5 posts per theme. Occasional activity Between 5 to 10 good quality posts per theme. Consistent activity More than 10 good quality posts per theme. Consistent and productive activity