Wagdy Talaat, M.D., Ph.D., FHPE
Professor and Founding Head, Medical Education Department
Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University
Faculty, FAIMER, Philadelphia, USA
Co-Director, Joint Master of Health Professions Education
between Maastricht and Suez Canal Universities
Director, Diploma of Health Professions Education
Worked for more than 20 years as a WHO Consultant for health manpower development, and since 2003 as a WHO Accreditation Project Director in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
An author of four WHO Books in medical education, the last was titled: "Community Based Education in Health Professions: Global Perspectives".
• In 2010, Dr.Talaat was granted the Leadership and Management Award from the Management Science for Health (MSH), Boston, USA.
In this Unit, trends of curriculum development, curriculum models, curriculum mapping, curriculum designs and educational strategies are learned in the context of different innovative approaches in medical education.
This Unit aims at enforcing the concept of quality in performance. It addresses quality in higher education in general as well as accreditation of health professions education institutions in special.